
How Do I Make My Décolletage Look Younger?

Many people pay a lot more attention to the skin on the face than the skin on the décolletage. When taking care of the skin, you must remember to focus on your face and also give your neck and chest much care. To look youthful and fresh must come in a complete package.

Some tips and products are made especially for your décolletage.

Why do you need to take care of your décolletage? Unless you want to look older than your age, you also need to take care of this area because it’s one of the first areas to show signs of aging. So, how do you make my décolletage look younger? It seems like Sculptra Aesthetic can help you in this derma dilemma. Let’s find out how it works.


For starters, first, you need to locate your décolletage. It can be found in the south of your chin, and the beauty industry refers to it as your neck and chest. It is one of the critical cosmetic areas that is often overlooked.

Just like your face, this part of the body is prone to sun exposure and premature aging. This area is also a common hotspot for skin cancers to develop. Sun exposure, especially repetitive, intense bursts, can result in collaging breakdown. It can also lead to brown spots and visible blood vessels, which are the tell-tale signs of skin damage.

Now that you know how to find your décolletage, the next step that you need to do is how to make it look younger. Your décolletage is prone to skin cancer and premature aging. UV radiation from the sun is not the only main risk factor that you need to watch out for.

Other factors that might cause skin aging includes genetic predisposition, the natural aging process, and pollution.


There are various ways to take care of skin in this area. Here are tips on how you can take care of it. The first simple one that you need to remember is to avoid the sun when possible. Getting a dose of sunshine every day is a great way to boost your mood and also increase vitamin D.

But then, getting too much sun exposure can damage your skin. This will increase your chances of getting skin cancer. Before you head outdoors to do your usual routine, plan activities that will allow you to stay in the shade most of the time. Through this, you can enjoy the outdoors without exposing yourself fully to the sun’s UV rays. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your décolletage for extra protection.


If you want to spend time outdoors, make sure to apply sunscreen to the skin on your décolletage and other exposed areas of your body. Don’t just use ordinary sunscreen because that won’t help you in protecting your skin from the harmful UV rays. Experts recommend that if you’re going outside, you need to use sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection.

So, the ideal sunscreen that you need to use on your skin must have SPF 30 or higher, and also it should be waterproof—applying sunblock with zinc and titanium because these active ingredients will work immediately after the application.


Having a skincare routine to maintain the youthful glow in your facial skin is needed. Gentle cleansing in the decolletage is as important. The skin there is soft and delicate. As much as possible, avoid scrubbing this area during your cleansing routine.

Scrubbing too hard can irritate your skin, and this also accelerates skin aging. Skincare experts recommend adopting a gentle approach. Instead of rubbing the skin in your neck and chest, you can gently apply the cleanser using your clean fingertips.


Another way to protect your décolletage from the unpleasant UV rays is by creating your shade to protect you from the sun. Creating your own shade means wearing a wide-brim hat. You also need to wear clothes that would cover your chest.

If you decide to exercise in the sun, you need to wear athletic clothing with an ultraviolet protection factor of at least 30. Be sure to check the athletic clothes that you are going to purchase which have UPF. Some manufacturers include on the product label the amount of UV radiation that can penetrate the fabric and reach your skin.


If you happen to spot signs of sun damage and advanced signs of aging on the skin of your neck and chest area, you need to consult a licensed dermatologist to help you with the problem. A dermatologist can use treatments that will improve the appearance of your décolletage.

Your dermatologist can use treatments like micro-needling, laser therapy, or chemical peels. Some dermatologists use injectables that are effective in stimulating the skin’s collagen. Sculptra Aesthetic, for example, is an injectable cosmetic filler that may help you in making your décolletage look younger.


Sculptra Aesthetic is a new injectable used to fight wrinkles and sagging skin by stimulating the skin’s collagen production. Using this injectable, your skin’s collagen production will become plump and healthy. This injectable is an alternative anti-aging treatment not only to injectable dermal fillers, skin creams, fat injections, and implants.

Sculptra stimulates your skin to regrow its natural collagen over time. It also helps correct deep facial wrinkles and folds and makes it look firmer and younger-looking skin. However, Sculptra Aesthetic does not provide the filling action which causes a reaction to the skin to form new collagen.


Since Sculptra aesthetic is injectable, is it safe to use? Does the injection hurt? Fortunately, the Sculptra treatment is safe and the treatment itself is comfortable. Sculptra is safe to use because it is composed of poly-L-lactic acid. It is a molecule that is biodegradable and it does not harm the body. It’s easily broken down and absorbed.

To get the desired results, you need to have a minimum of three treatment sessions for several months. The number of injection sessions and the time it takes varies per person. Patients who are older, thinner, and patients who exercise extensively will require more product or more treatment sessions.

Keeping the skin of your décolletage smooth and healthy is an easy task that requires careful cleansing simple beauty routine, and wearing clothes that will protect you from the harmful UV rays. Your skincare must not stop at your neck because every part of your body deserves TLC.

Adopt a skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, exfoliating, and applying topical treatments to your décolletage to boost the appearance of your neck and chest. A wrinkled neckline is a normal part of aging. Still, if you’re feeling unhappy about those spots and wrinkles, let professional licensed dermatologists, like the ones from Wilson Aesthetics, help you using Sculptra Aesthetic.
Book an appointment as early as possible so that you can experience the painless Sculptra Aesthetic treatment that will keep your décolletage look younger.

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