Motus Laser

Motus Laser Services in Prescott Valley AZLaser hair removal is one of the most common cosmetic laser procedures. In general, devices for hair removal beam highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorbs the light which then destroys the hair. The most efficacious laser for hair removal (particularly fine and light hair)…

PRP Injections

PRP Injections Services in Prescott Valley AZ PRP/PRF, or “Liquid Gold,” is the best way to trigger cell growth in your body. Your blood is drawn and processed, then injected for treatment. The incredible benefits of PRP and PRF can encourage hair growth, decrease the appearance of scarring, trigger the body’s production of collagen, and…


Kybella Services in Prescott Valley AZKybella is an FDA-approved injectable that improves the appearance of double chins by destroying fat cells. Kybella is a man-made form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring material that helps the body absorb fat. Treatment with Kybella is fast, requires little downtime, and destroys fat cells permanently. Kybella destroys the…

Sculptra Aesthetic

Sculptra Aesthetic Services in Prescott Valley AZSculptra® is an injectable cosmetic filler. Sculptra® is used to restore facial volume lost due to aging or illness. It is a collagen stimulator, not a facial filler. Sculptra contains poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which is a biocompatible synthetic substance that stimulates collagen production. Sculptra® can be used to treat…


Fillers Services in Prescott Valley AZAs we age, collagen (which maintains skin firmness) gradually disappears and our skin loses moisture. Dermal fillers can take years off of your appearance by restoring volume and fullness. Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body. The hyaluronic acid within fillers can be…